The DVMWHS Logo has been designed to promote and communicate the DVMWHS. The Logo should be used to highlight or promote elements and/or content that is related to the Outstanding Universal Value or stories of the World Heritage Site. The DVMWHS Logo should be utilised for all projects and activities substantially associated with the World Heritage Site.
There are two components to the entire DVMWHS Logo. The first is the UNESCO Logo and the World Heritage Emblem. These need to be used in strict accordance with UNESCO guidelines: http://whc.unesco.org/. Paragraphs 275 to 279 of the UNESCO Operational Guidelines (2017) also explain the principles and authorisation procedures on the use of the UNESCO World Heritage Emblem, which forms part of the UNESCO Logo for the DVMWHS. The second is the ‘DVMWHS Logo’, which is the site specific logo that was developed for the DVMWHS Partnership. The first component (the UNESCO World Heritage Logo) must not be used without the DVMWHS Logo. The DVMWHS Logo can be used on its own, where use of the first component would be deemed inappropriate by UNESCO. See 23.7 on how to seek permission to use the DVMWHS Logo.
UNESCO expect their logo to be used whenever appropriate, as this is the ‘topline’ brand for all World Heritage Sites and as all World Heritage Sites have a similar logo, it provides consistency across the globe. However, it cannot be used where it could be construed to be endorsing a profit-making business or individual, so there will be instances that the DVMWHS Logo can be used where the UNESCO World Heritage Logo use is prohibited or inappropriate.
A decision to approve the use of the DVMWHS Logo is linked strongly to the quality and content of the product with which it is to be associated, not on the volume of products to be marketed, or the financial return expected. The main criterion for approval is the educational, scientific, cultural or artistic value of the proposed product related to World Heritage principles and values, and its contribution in underpinning those principles and values.
The DVMWHS Logo was commissioned by the DVMWHS Partnership’s Technical Panel. The structure of the DVMWHS Partnership has altered since the creation of the DVMWHS Logo and the Technical Panel no longer exists. The control of the copyright for the DVMWHS Logo resides with the Partnership. As the DVMWHS Partnership is a coalition of bodies and organisations, the copyright is held by the host organisation, which is currently Derbyshire County Council. The copyright for the DVMWHS Logo will move to any future host organisation or to the DVMWHS Partnership if it were to become an independent legally constituted entity.
The DVMWHS Coordination Team hold the master copies of the logo. Copies of these, with guidelines for its use, will be issued once authorisation has been obtained.
23.7 Authorisation for logo use
A request for authorisation to use the DVMWHS-logo should be sought from the DVMWHS Coordination Team. The request should include:
- a general description of the purpose for using the DVMWHS-logo including the duration of its use;
- an outline of how the purpose aligns with 23.1 and/or 23.4;
- a detailed description and/or illustration of how the logo will be used. Action 3.8.10 sets out the desire of the DVMWHS Partnership to update its branding guidelines. Once these have been developed and adopted by the Partnership, it is expected that use of the DVMWHS Logo will align with the new guidelines.
The DVMWHS Coordination Team will use its reasonable endeavours to issue permission to use the DVMWHS Logo within 14 working days of a request submission. If for any reason this cannot be achieved the Coordination Team will inform the applicant and issue a reason for the delay. Reasons for delay could range from insufficient information to needing to refer the decision to the DVMWHS Strategic Board.
23.8 Other considerations
If the DVMWHS Logo is to be used for solely commercial purposes, albeit for the benefit of raising the DVMWHS’s profile, then a licence agreement needs to be entered into, which will also cover any financial implications.
The DVMWHS Partnership reserves the right to withdraw permission for use of the DVMWHS Logo where its use could damage the reputation of the World Heritage Site; where the quality of the associated ‘product’ has reduced (see 3.4.4); where the DVMWHS Logo has been used inappropriately; or where there is a conflict with the DVMWHS Partnership’s own intention to utilise the DVMWHS Logo. An example of the latter, would be, if an entity or partner organisation is producing a certain type of merchandise, utilising the DVMWHS Logo, under agreement with the DVMWHS Partnership, and the Partnership then decides that it wants to procure this type of merchandise itself. If this were the case, the DVMWHS Partnership would agree with the authorised ‘entity’ a suitable notice period to cease using the DVMWHS Logo.
Once permission for the use of the DVMWHS Logo has been granted by the DVMWHS Coordination Team, then other statutory consents need to be obtained.